Kids 4 Seniors
In honour of the memory of the late “Mama Ibado” (Haji Osman), six of her great grandchildren, Talitha (8), Hanna (10), Nur (10), Noah (11), Rumaan (13) & Alina (14) have given us a glimpse into their beautiful hearts and the strong legacy Mama Ibado has left behind.
Throughout the month of April, these enthusiastic children are determined to make a difference to bettering the lives of elders in Isiolo and Kakamega counties who continue to suffer in painfully poor circumstances.
We feel proud and encouraged by the children as they demonstrate a determination to have an impact on the lives of our elders. They have committed to cycle 10 kilometers each with the goal to raise a total of GBP £3,000 (USD $4K) for Mama Ibado Charity.
Please support the noble efforts of these children by generously contributing to their campaign as they cross the inter-generational bridge of kindness and humanity.
Donate via:
PAYBILL: 897363
We guarantee that 100% of all donations will go to the Seniors Feeding Program.